Video Editing
The following videos were either an assignment from the University of Georgia or from my time working at Saudi Aramco. The purpose of this section is to demonstrate my video editing capabilities. My favorite one is the Star Wars Raw Footage Edit.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.
Public Service Annoucement
This video was shot with an iPhone. The assignment was to create different perspectives of the same action. In this case, grabbing a glass of water. This video was first storyboarded and then filmed.
Blackboard Tutorial
While working at Saudi Aramco, my supervisor asked if I would provide a training to our SMEs on how to utilize the LMS, Blackboard for face-to-face sessions. I suggested that we create a tutorial video so that they can watch it in their own time, and it can be reused. This is the result.
Star Wars Raw Footage Edit
In this assignment I was given about 45 minutes of raw footage. From that footage I had to find a theme, tie the theme together with what the actors were saying creating a "story", and edit the video. I also edited all music and sound. As a fan of Star Wars, this was a very fun project.
Photoshop Tutorial
This was an assignment for a class where I had to demonstrate how to use a feature in photoshop. I enjoy finding the perfect assets and the elevator music in this one was just perfect. It helps to take a boring topic like a software tutorial and make it feel enjoyable. Enjoy.